Milan, Afterlife invites you to embark on a captivating sensory journey and a unique immersive experience.
On the 21st of September at Ippodromo Snai San Siro, event founders Tale Of Us will take the stage alongside a meticulously curated lineup.
The showcase will include sets from Olympe, Massano and Mind Against and two enthralling special performances, MRAK presents ‘We Don't Follow’, and Anyma presents ‘Genesys’ before Tale Of Us closes the evening.
Experience enchanting and mesmerising visuals complemented by unparalleled sound and lighting design.
Entry to the venue and to the show is only permitted to those who are 16 years old or older.
L’ingresso alla venue ed allo Spettacolo è consentito solo a chi ha già compiuto 16 anni.
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